Did you know that you can blend your gelatos using a baby wipe? It's super easy, basically mess free, easily bendable, and the colors stay super vibrant!
Here we have some smooth mixed media paper and the iridescents pack! Go give it a try!
Chelsea has a not-so-slight obsession with all things lettering. Watching lettering videos is what got her started, and you can usually find her posting them using every art supply she can get her hands on. From brush pens to watercolor, and everything in between!
Wow! This really does work great. Love your lettering.
Posted by: Stefanie | 06/04/2019 at 08:04 AM
It's really simple when watching this video. I don't think it can blend into such beautiful pictures
Posted by: fnaf | 06/10/2019 at 05:06 AM
Your blog is really interesting and inspiration to many. I'll be looking forward for more of your posts.
Posted by: fnaf world | 06/26/2019 at 10:44 PM
The video you share is quite good and attractive. I would love to watch videos you share. Please continue to uphold.
Posted by: temple run | 07/03/2019 at 04:14 AM