Easy to make place cards that will add a little extra something to your dinner table this holiday season!
- Cardstock Paper (cut into 2x4 inch rectangles)
- Faber Castell Watercolor Paint Connector
- PITT Artist Brush Pen
1. Pick your colors and swipe some onto the cardstock using your watercolor brush.
2. Once the watercolor is all dry use a PITT artist pen (brush tip or fine liner) to add names.
Erin is a teacher by day and a creator by night. She loves to try and inspire creativity in her students everyday! Because she’s busy during the day, the night is when her creativity gets to explode into the world through lettering and messing around with watercolors. Her biggest advice would be to not compare your art to other people’s art! Be uniquely you!
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Posted by: ashwin | 05/16/2019 at 12:55 AM