Materials Needed:Paper, thick card stock or watercolor paper
- Goldfaber Aqua Watercolor Pencils
- PITT Artist pen (black small)
- PITT Artist brush pen
- Pencil to sketch
- Some sort of circle (I used the inside of a tape roll)- or you can freehand if that's your jam!
1. Start by drawing your circle.
2. After you have your circle start sketching your wreath design, I drew two pumpkins and some leaves.
3. Once you have your design sketched out lightly erase it so the pencil lines are not so dark, then you can start coloring in with the Goldfaber Aqua watercolor pencils.
4. Use a small brush and some water to blend the colors.
5. Use the PITT Artist pen to add outline details.
6. Add words with a PITT Artist brush pen!
Erin is a teacher by day and a creator by night. She loves to try and inspire creativity in her students everyday! Because she’s busy during the day, the night is when her creativity gets to explode into the world through lettering and messing around with watercolors. Her biggest advice would be to not compare your art to other people’s art! Be uniquely you!
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Posted by: minesweeper | 08/22/2019 at 03:54 AM